Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Stark and Hart 1996

Stark JM, Hart SC. 1996. Diffusion technique for preparing salt solutions, Kjeldahl digests, and persulfate digests for nitrogen-15 analysis. Soil Science Society of America Journal 60: 1846-1855.

These authors evaluated the recently-developed Teflon-encased-acid-trap technique for collecting nitrogen from water samples for analysis, especially stable isotope (15N) analysis. Earlier acid trap techniques, which rely on the chemistry of ammonium/ammonia in solutions of varying pH, were based on suspended small vials containing acid solutions above a larger volume of sample solution at high pH. Ammonium present in the sample is converted to ammonia by high pH, and escapes solution into the gas phase. It is captured in acid solution; in a closed container with a separate acidic region, ammonium will migrate from the alkaline sample to the acid trap. Suspended trap designs are vulnerable to a number of problems, including vulnerability of the acid trap to contamination by alkaline solution and subsequent loss of captured ammonium. Teflon will pass gases but not liquids, and therefore provides an ideal barrier between the sample and the acid trap that will permit ammonia to enter the trap.

These authors conducted a set of six experiments to evaluate the utility of Teflon acid traps. First, blanks were evaluated, to determine the sensitivity of the technique to nitrogen derived from contamination in the various materials of the experiment (filter paper, Teflon, plastic bottles, etc.). There was some nitrogen detectable from these non-sample sources, but a correction factor could be constructed based on including a few blanks in sample sets. The second experiment examined the recovery of ammonium from 2M KCl solutions. These solutions are very similar to the solutions extracted from soils of Alexandra Fjord in 2009. As might be expected, incubation time correlated with recovery of ammonium; in addition, Teflon traps performed better over shorter incubations (up to about 6 days) than did suspended traps, though the difference disappeared at the longest (8 days) incubations.

The third experiment was of greatest interest to me. They examined the open-bottle time necessary to eliminate residual ammonium from samples used in experiment 2, and the incubation conditions to collect NO3- -derived nitrogen using Devarda’s alloy to reduce NO3- to NH4+. Residual ammonium left in solution at the end of the first reaction would contaminate NO3- examination and lead to overestimation of NO3- contents; this is especially true when the two forms of nitrogen have been previously enriched with 15N to different degrees. There is a trade-off between open bottle time (ranging in these experiments from one to five days) and recovery of NO3- from samples; long open-bottle times appear to lead to an unknown chemical change in samples, which these authors speculate, may involve sorption of atmospheric CO2. Long ammonium-collection times (i.e. experiment 2) do tend to collect the great majority of ammonium present, recovering on average more than 97% of ammonium from known-concentration samples. This suggests to me a long and potentially nitrate-losing open-bottle incubation is not necessary if ammonium collection has proceeded for at least six days. Agitation of samples, in these experiments often once per day, resulted in a strong improvement in nitrogen capture over at least the shorter (24-96 hour) incubations; our use of continuous agitation for seven days therefore seems likely to capture nearly all ammonium present in samples.

Experiments 4 through 6 were of little interest to me, as I am unfamiliar with Kjeldahl digests and persulfate digests and do not plan to use these techniques in my studies. From what I could glean based on my limited knowledge, the Teflon-acid-trap technique appears to work well with Kjeldahl digests and persulfate digests.

Overall, the Teflon-acid-trap technique performed very well, and had significant ease-of-use and contamination-avoiding advantages over earlier methods. One caution put forth by these authors is regarding the H2 gas evolved during Devarda’s alloy incubations; strong build up of gas can cause leaks, potentially allowing NH3 to escape and leading to underestimates of sample nitrate contents. They suggest storing bottles upside-down during such incubations, as leaks will then include sample solution, and leaking bottles can be easily identified.

Complete recovery of nitrogen was not possible on a routine basis using this technique, but 15N isotope ratios do not rely on 100% recovery if ammonium and / or nitrate concentrations have been measured by an independent method, such as the widely-used colorimetric techniques. The two isotopes of nitrogen do not migrate differently between alkaline sample and acid trap, thus even at relatively inefficient recovery rates, isotopic ratios are maintained. Blanks are important, but in general this technique is robust, reliable, and easy to conduct.

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