Thursday, April 1, 2010

Tuomivirta et al. 2009

Tuomivirta TT, Yrjälä K, Frize H. 2009. Quantitative PCR of pmoA using a novel reverse primer correlates with potential methane oxidation in Finnish Fen. Research in Microbiology 160: 751-756.

These authors developed novel primers for studying the methanotrophs of Finnish peatland fens. The existing primer pairs widely used to study methanotrophs, based on the gene pmoA, did not consistently amplify useful products in PCR using template DNA from these fens.

The novel primer pair was tested on 114 samples from two Finnish fens, representing the northern and southern peatlands of Finland. While A189f/A682r failed to provide useful products, the new primer A6821r in conjunction with A189f did produce strong bands. In qPCR, these primers produced results correlated with measured methane oxidation potential, further supporting their utility in these systems.

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