Sunday, May 18, 2008

Krishan 1990

Krishan A. 1990. Rapid DNA content analysis by the Propidium iodide-hypotonic citrate method. Methods in Cell Biology 33: 121-125.

This author describes a set of protocols for staining nuclear DNA with Propidium iodide for use in flow cytometry. The basic protocol is similar to the methods we use in our lab currently, though this author claims that prepared stain solution can be stored at room temperature in a light-proof bottle in a large volume (e.g. 1 L), and that stained specimens can be stored up to 24 hours on ice without noticeable impact on measurements. Trypsin and heparin, frequently used in cell dissociation or blood storage procedures, will interfere with the binding of Propidium iodide to nuclear DNA.

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